3.3. The Boot Menu

Entering the Boot Menu

When the 6000 Series starts up, and before it has finished initializing, the startup process can be suspended and the boot menu entered by repeatedly pressing the Esc key on the keyboard of cOS Stream's local console (connecting this is described in Section 2.4, Management Computer Connection). The boot menu provides a number of options related to the loading of cOS Stream.

Boot Menu Options

The choices displayed in the boot menu are the following:

  1. Boot system <version-number>

    This will exit the boot menu and initialization of cOS Stream will resume.

  2. Boot-failure recovery

    The NetShield 6000 Series will boot using its own internal system memory. cOS Stream will then run in a safe mode. This means the the system will function but only limited resources will be available. However, these resources are sufficient for cOS Stream to be used with a full CLI command set to troubleshoot problems.

  3. Reset system to factory default

    This restores both the current configuration and the cOS Stream version to the factory settings. Any cOS Stream version upgrades that have been installed will be lost.

    Using this option is discussed further in Chapter 6, Resetting to Factory Defaults. However, note this reset will only affect cOS Stream and will not reset the whole 6000 Series system.

  4. Restore system default configuration

    This restores only the default configuration. No cOS Stream version upgrades that have been installed will be lost. This is the recommended option unless a full reset is required.

The boot menu is also discussed in the separate cOS Stream Administration Guide.