10.2. Heat Deployment Steps

This section describes the steps required for Heat deployment in the typical use case.

Actors in the Use Case

The actors assumed to be involved in the deployment are the following:


OSE must be configured and running, and the USER must have the correct privileges to instantiate Heat resources and stacks.

Setup Sequence

The following is the sequence required to deploy the FW.

  1. USER first prepares a HOT template file and, optionally, a HOT template environment file to provide input parameter values. These are YAML text files.

  2. USER prepares a FW image file and saves it to OSE internal storage.

  3. USER prepares a FW flavor and saves it to OSE internal storage. The flavor should be a virtual computer template that supports at least the minimum FW system requirements.

  4. USER optionally prepares an SSH RSA key-pair and saves it to OSE internal storage.

    The USER also stores their private key locally as part of this step.

  5. USER defines an OS::Nova::Server FW resource in the HOT template file.

  6. USER configures the FW resource to enable the config drive data source (config_drive: true). This is required to make the config drive accessible to the FW resource instance.

  7. USER configures the FW resource to use the FW image file.

  8. USER configures the FW resource to use the FW flavor.

  9. USER configures the FW resource to attach to at least one pre-existing, (or HOT template defined) network, port or subnet.

  10. USER optionally configures the FW resource with a name that the FW will use as its hostname. Note that names longer than 31 characters will be truncated by the FW before assignment.

  11. USER optionally configures the FW resource to use the SSH RSA public key. The FW will use the public key to configure access to the local user administration account with the username admin at deployment.

  12. USER optionally configures the FW resource to use a plain text password. The FW will use the plain text password to configure access to the local user administration account with username admin at deployment.

  13. USER optionally configures the FW resource to supply user-data in the form of a CLI script file. In order for the CLI script to be accepted by the FW, the file must begin with the following first line:


  14. USER creates a new stack through the OSE using the defined HOT template file and optionally a HOT template environment file. Launching a new stack will launch instances of all resources defined by these templates.

    This can be done graphically through the OSE dashboard (Horizon). Alternatively, this can be done through the OSE controller node with the following command:

    openstack stack create -t <template.yaml> -e <envir.yaml> <stack-name>

  15. USER should now review the status of the created stack. This can be done through the OSE dashboard (Horizon). Alternatively, this can be done through the OSE controller node with the following command:

    openstack stack list

  16. USER should also review the console log output of the FW resource instance in order to verify that the deployment was successful. The easiest way to do this is graphically through the OSE dashboard (Horizon).

  17. USER can optionally delete the stack using the OSE. This will shut down all resource instances created when the stack was created. Deleting a stack can be done through the OSE dashboard (Horizon). Alternatively, this can be done through the OSE controller node with the following command:

    openstack delete <name-of-stack>