Table of Contents
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This guide is a reference for all commands and configuration object types that are accessible through the Command Line Interface (CLI). This introduction gives a brief overview of the CLI help and autocompletion capabilities. CLI connection and usage is described in more depth in the separate Clavister firewall Administration Guide.
Case Sensitivity
The CLI is case-sensitive. However, the tab-completion feature of the CLI does not require the correct case to perform completion and will alter the typed case if it is required.String Delimiters, the Escape Character and Special Characters
When entering CLI commands, literal strings can be enclosed in double quotation mark characters ("..."). For example:add User my-user Password="pass word"
However, to include the double quotation mark itself in a string, it must be preceded by a backslash
(\) which is the CLI escape character:
set User my-user Password="pass\"word"
Other special characters that might be needed are the following:
For example:
set RemoteManagement RemoteMgmtSSH ssh Banner="Welcome!\r\n - Type \"help\"
Running a Command
The commands described in this guide can be run by typing the command along with any options followed by pressing the return key. Many commands require options to be set. If a mandatory option is missing, a brief syntax help will be displayed after the enter key is pressed.CLI Function Keys
In addition to the return key there are a number of function keys that can be used with the CLI. These are listed below:The CLI History
Every time a command is run, the command line is added to a cached history of commands. The up and down arrow keys are used to access previous commands. The up arrow key displays the next oldest command in the history and the down arrow key returns to newer command lines.The history command shows the entire contents of the history cache.
Example 1.1. CLI History
Using the command line history via the arrow keys:
show AddressDevice:/>
(up arrow)Device:/>
show Address (the previous command is displayed)
CLI Help
There are two ways of getting help about a command. A brief help is displayed if the command name is typed followed by-?
. This applies to all commands
and is therefore not listed in the option list for each command in this guide.
In most cases it is possible to type the command help followed by the command name to get the detailed help for that command. To list all available commands, type help on its own and press return.
See Section 2.4.9, help for a more detailed description of the help command.
Example 1.2. CLI Help
Brief help for the activatecommand:
activate -?
activate (ac). Activate changes.
Full help for activate:
help activate
activate (ac). Activate changes.
Activate the latest changes.
This will issue a reconfiguration, using the new configuration.
If the reconfiguration is successful a commit command must be
issued within the configured timeout interval in order to save
the changes to media. If not, the system will revert to using
the previous version of the configuration.
List all available commands:
Available commands (type "help help" for more help):
Tab Completion
By using the tab function key in the CLI, the names of commands, options, objects and object properties can be automatically completed. If the text entered before pressing tab only matches one possible item, e.g. "activate" is the only match for "acti", and a command is expected, the name will be autocompleted.Should there be more than one match, the part common to all matches will be completed. At this point the user can either enter more characters or press tab again, which will display a list of the possible completions. This can also be done without entering any characters, but the resulting list might be long if there are many possible completions, e.g. all commands.
Example 1.3. Tab Completion
An example of tab completion when using the add command:
add Add (tab)Device:/>
add Address ("ress" was autocompleted)Device:/>
add Address i (tab)Device:/>
add Address IP ("IP" was autocompleted)Device:/>
add Address IPa (tab)Device:/>
add Address IPAddress ("IPAddress" was autocompleted)Device:/>
add Address IPAddress example_ip a (tab)Device:/>
add Address IPAddress example_ip Address= (autocompleted)Device:/>
add Address IPAddress example_ip Address=
Mandatory Properties are Shown First
When using autocompletion, the optional object properties are not displayed until all mandatory properties have been assigned values.For example, the Name parameter for an IP rule is optional. It will not be displayed by autocompletion until the such mandatory parameters as source/destination network/interface are emtered.
Inline Help
It is possible to also get help about available properties while a command line is being typed by typing tab. This will either result in a message to say what the next option is or show a list if there are several alternatives.Example 1.4. Inline Help
Get inline help for all properties of an IPAddress:
add Address IPAddress (tab)
Enter a name for the new object.
Object Properties Help
It is possible to get information about the valid properties for an object through using the tab key:Example 1.5. Option Properties Help
Option help for the Address= parameter of IPAddress:
add Address IPAddress my_ip (tab)
<key-value pair>:
Address Comments NoDefinedCredentials UserAuthGroups
Other valid options: -force, <enter>
Special Characters Used with Tab Completion
When entering the value of an object property, the tab character can be preceded by either of the following characters:Entering the period "." (period) character before entering tab will insert the current value of the object property.
For example, assume that there is already an object in the address book called my_address and it has the IPv4 address value Now enter the following command:
set Address IPAddress my_address Address=.(tab)
This will cause the current IP address to be displayed:
set Address IPAddress my_address Address=
Entering the " * " (asterisk/star) character before entering tab will cause the default property value to be automatically filled in.
set RemoteManagement RemoteMgmtSSH RemoteMgmtSSH
Type: Boolean
Description: Enable logging.
Default: Yes
Current Value: Yes
User Restrictions
Certain commands and options cannot be used unless the CLI user has administrator privileges. This is indicated in this guide by a note following the command stating Requires Administrator Privilege. Individual command options may be also be labelled Admin only.Activate changes.
Activate the latest changes.This will issue a reconfiguration, using the new configuration. If the reconfiguration is successful a commit command must be issued within the configured timeout interval in order to save the changes to media. If not, the system will revert to using the previous version of the configuration.
activate [-force]
Note | |
Requires Administrator privileges. |
Create a new object.
Create a new object and add it to the configuration.Specify the type of object you want to create and the identifier, if the type has one, unless the object is identified by an index. Set the properties of the object by writing the propertyname equals (=) and then the value. An optional category can be specified for some object types when using tab completion.
If a mandatory property isn't specified a list of errors will be shown after the object is created. If an invalid property or value type is specified or if the identifier is missing the command will fail and not create an object.
Adjustments can be made after the object is created by using the set command.
Example 2.1. Create a new object
Add objects with an identifier property (not index): gw-world:/> add Address IPAddress example_ip Address= Comments="This is an example" gw-world:/> add IPAddress example_ip2 Address= Add an object with an index: gw-world:/RoutingTable/main> add Route Interface=lan Network=all-nets-i p4
add [<Category>] <Type> [<Identifier>] [-force] [<key-value pair>]...
Note | |
Requires Administrator privileges. |
Change the current context.
Change the current configuration context.A context is a group of objects that are dependent on and grouped by a parent object. Many objects lie in the "root" context and do not have a specific parent. Other objects, e.g. User objects lie in a sub-context (or child context) of the root - in this case in a LocalUserDatabase. In order to add or modify users you have to be in the correct context, e.g. a LocalUserDatabase called "exampledb". Only objects in the current context can be accessed.
Example 2.2. Change context
Change to a sub/child context: gw-world:/> cc LocalUserDatabase exampledb gw-world:/LocalUserDatabase/exampledb> Go back to the parent context: gw-world:/ospf1/area1> cc .. gw-world:/ospf1> cc .. gw-world:/> Go back to the root context: gw-world:/ospf1/area1> cc gw-world:/> or gw-world:/ospf1/area1> cc / gw-world:/>
cc [<Category>] <Type> <Identifier>Change the current context.
cc -printPrint the current context.
ccChange to root context (same as "cc /").
Save new configuration to media.
Save the new configuration to media. This command can only be issued after a successful activate command.Usage
Note | |
Requires Administrator privileges. |
Delete specified objects.
Delete the specified object, removing it from the configuration.Add the force flag to delete the object even if it is referenced by other objects or if it is a context that has child objects that aren't deleted. This may cause objects referring to the specified object or one of its children to get errors that must be corrected before the configuration can be activated.
See also: undelete
Example 2.3. Delete an object
Delete an unreferenced object: gw-world:/> delete Address IPAddress example_ip Delete a referenced object: (will cause error in examplerule) gw-world:/IPRuleSet/main> set IPRule 1(examplerule) SourceNetwork=examp lenet gw-world:/> delete Address IPAddress examplenet -force Delete a range of objects: gw-world:/IPRuleSet/main> delete IPRule -range=1-10
delete [<Category>] <Type> [<Identifier>] [-force] [-range=<Integer Range>]
Note | |
Requires Administrator privileges. |
Reject changes.
Reject the changes made to the specified object by reverting to the values of the last committed configuration.All changes made to the object will be lost. If the object is added after the last commit, it will be removed.
To reject the changes in more than one object, use either the -recursive
flag to delete a context and all its children recursively or the
flag to reject the changes in all objects in the
Example 2.4. Reject changes
Reject changes in individual objects: gw-world:/> set Address IPAddress example_ip Comments="This comment will be rejected" gw-world:/> reject Address IPAddress example_ip gw-world:/> add Address IPAddress example_ip2 Address= Comments="This whole object will be removed" gw-world:/> reject Address IPAddress example_ip2 Reject changes recursively: (will reject changes in the user database and all users) gw-world:/LocalUserDatabase/exampledb> set User user1 Comments="Somethi ng" gw-world:/LocalUserDatabase/exampledb> set User user2 Comments="that wi ll be" gw-world:/LocalUserDatabase/exampledb> set User user3 Comments="rejecte d" gw-world:/LocalUserDatabase/exampledb> cc .. gw-world:/> reject LocalUserDatabase exampledb -recursive Reject all changes: gw-world:/anycontext> reject -all All changes since the last commit will be rejected: (example_ip will be removed since it is newly added) gw-world:/> add Address IPAddress example_ip Address= gw-world:/> delete Address IPAddress example_ip gw-world:/> reject Address IPAddress example_ip
reject [<Category>] <Type> [<Identifier>] [-recursive]Reject changes made to the specified object.
reject -allReject all changes in the configuration.
Note | |
Requires Administrator privileges. |
Set property values.
Set property values of configuration objects.Specify the type of object you want to modify and the identifier, if the type has one. Set the properties of the object by writing the propertyname equals (=) and then the value. An optional category can be specified for some object types when using tab completion.
If a mandatory property hasn't been specified or if a property has an error a list of errors will be shown after the specified properties have been set. If an invalid property or value type is specified the command will fail and not modify the object.
See also: add
Example 2.5. Set property values
Set properties for objects that have an identifier property: gw-world:/> set Address IPAddress example_ip Address= Comments="This is an example" gw-world:/> set IPAddress example_ip2 Address= Comments=comment_without_whitespace gw-world:/RoutingTable/main> set Route 1 Comments="A route" gw-world:/IPRuleSet/main> set IPRule 12 Index=1 Set properties on a range of objects: gw-world:/IPRuleSet/main> set IPRule -range=1-10 LogEnabled=No
set [<Category>] <Type> [<Identifier>] [-disable] [-enable] [-force] [-range=<Integer Range>] [<key-value pair>]...
Note | |
Requires Administrator privileges. |
Show objects.
Show objects.Show the properties of a specified object.
There are a number of flags that can be specified to show otherwise hidden properties.
To show a list of object types and categories available in the current context, just type show.
Show a table of all objects of a type by specifying a type or a category. Use the
or -changes
flags to show what objects have been changed or have
errors in the configuration.
When showing a table of all objects of a certain type, the status of each object since the last time the configuration was committed is indicated by a flag. The flags used are:
Unchanged objects are not indicated by a flag.
When listing categories and object types, categories are indicated by [] and types where objects may be contexts by /.
Example 2.6. Show objects
Show the properties of an individual object: gw-world:/> show Address IPAddress example_ip gw-world:/RoutingTable/main> show Route 1 Show a table of all objects of a type and a selection of their properties as well as their status: gw-world:/> show Address IPAddress gw-world:/> show IPAddress Show a table of all objects for each type in a category: gw-world:/> show Address Show objects with changes and errors: gw-world:/> show -changes gw-world:/> show -errors Show what objects use (refer to) a certain object: gw-world:/> show Address IPAddress example_ip -references
showShow the types and categories available in the current context.
show [<Category>] [<Type> [<Identifier>]] [-system] [-disabled] [-references] [-expand]Show an object or list a type or category.
show -errors [-verbose]Show all errors.
show -changesShow all changes.
show -expandShow objects with expanded symbolic names where supported.
Restore previously deleted objects.
Restore a previously deleted object.This is possible as long as the activate command has not been called.
See also: delete
Example 2.7. Undelete an object
Undelete an unreferenced object: gw-world:/> delete Address IPAddress example_ip gw-world:/> undelete Address IPAddress example_ip Undelete a referenced object: (will remove the error in examplerule) gw-world:/IPRuleSet/main> set IPRule 1(examplerule) SourceNetwork=examp lenet gw-world:/> delete Address IPAddress examplenet -force gw-world:/> undelete Address IPAddress examplenet
undelete [<Category>] <Type> [<Identifier>]
Note | |
Requires Administrator privileges. |
Show application control status.
View general information about the Application Control system or browse the Application Control database.Usage
appcontrolShow general information about application control system.
appcontrol -show-applications [-name=<String>] [-family=<String>] [-risk={VERY_LOW | LOW | MEDIUM | HIGH | VERY_HIGH}] [-tag=<String>] [-num={ALL | <n>}] [-verbose]Show information about supported applications.
Show ARP entries for given interface.
List the ARP cache entries of specified interfaces.If no interface is given the ARP cache entries of all interfaces will be presented.
The presented list can be filtered using the ip
and hw
arpShow all ARP entries.
arp -show [<interface>] [-ip=<pattern>] [-hw=<pattern>] [-num=<n>] [-all]Show ARP entries.
arp -flush [<interface>]Flush ARP cache of specified interface.
arp -notify=<ip> <interface> [-hwsender=<String>]Send gratuitous ARP for IP.
Toggle snooping and displaying of ARP requests.
Toggle snooping and displaying of ARP queries and responses on-screen.Aborting the arpsnoop command can be done by calling 'arpsnoop none' or by pressing CTRL-C. Using CTRL-C will also terminate all other running CLI commands.
arpsnoopShow snooped interfaces.
arpsnoop {ALL | NONE | <interface>} [-verbose]Snoop specified interface.
User authentication information.
Show currently logged-on users and other information. Also allows logged-on users to be forcibly logged out.Usage
authenticationList logged in users.
authentication -num=<Integer>List logged in users.
authentication -allList all logged in users.
authentication -show <Integer>Show user details.
authentication -profile [<User Authentication Profile>]Show authentication profiles.
authentication -logout_id <Integer>Logout user via user ID.
authentication -logout_src <IP> <Interface> <User Authentication Profile>Logout user via source IP.
authentication -logout_name <username> <User Authentication Profile>Logout all users matching username in the profile.
authentication -privilegeShow currently known privileges.
BGP monitoring/control commands.
Display information about BGPUsage
bgpShow summary for BGP process.
bgp -neighbors [-neighbor=<neighbor>] [-prefixes-advertised] [-prefixes-received]Show neighbor information.
bgp -snoop={ON | OFF} [-category={ALL | BGP-ALL | BFD-ALL | ROUTE-ALL | BGP-UPD | ROUTE-ADD | ROUTE-MOD | ROUTE-DEL}] [-level=<0...7>]Enable/disable BGP snooping.
bgp -execute={RESTART-FULL | NEIGHBOR-RECONNECT} [-neighbor=<neighbor>]Execute operation.
bgp -prefixes [-num={ALL | <n>}] [-ipv6] [-network=<network>] [-routemap=<routemap>] [-aspath=<AS path>]Show prefixes.
bgp -techsupportShow internal technical support information.
bgp -bfd [-verbose]Show BFD overview.
Block and unblock hosts.
Block and unblock specific hosts for specific source interface(s).If no option is chosen both blacklist and whitelist entries will be presented.
The presented list can be filtered using the show
option, specifying whether blacklist, whitelist or both of the lists need to be displayed.
blacklistShow both blacklist and whitelist entries.
blacklist -show={BLACKLIST | WHITELIST | ALL} [-num=<number>]Show either blacklist,whitelist or both.
blacklist -add -srciface=<Interface> -srcip=<ip address> [-destip=<ip address>] [-port=<port range>] [-proto={ICMP | IGMP | TCP | UDP | GRE | ESP | AH | ICMPV6 | OSPF | MTP | L2TP | SCTP | ALL | <0...256>}] [-timeout=<number>]Add a blacklist entry.
blacklist -remove [-all] [-srciface=<Interface>] [-srcip=<ip address>] [-destip=<ip address>] [-port=<port range>] [-proto={ICMP | IGMP | TCP | UDP | GRE | ESP | AH | ICMPV6 | OSPF | MTP | L2TP | SCTP | ALL | <0...256>}]Remove a blacklist entry.
blacklist -lookup [-srciface=<Interface>] [-srcip=<ip address>] [-destip=<ip address>] [-port=<port range>] [-num=<number>]Lookup blacklisted entries.
Show information about cryptographic operations.
Show information about cryptographic devices and cryptographic operations.Usage
cryptostatShow status of available crypto devices.
cryptostat -show [-status] [-verbose] [-poll] [-session]Show selected information.
DHCP Client commands.
Show interfaces using DHCP client and various information about leases.Usage
dhcpclientShow DHCP Client active interfaces if no option is supplied.
dhcpclient -listShow DHCP Client active interfaces.
dhcpclient <interface>Show DHCP Client interface information.
dhcpclient -renew <interface>Renew lease on an interface manually.
dhcpclient -release <interface>Release lease on an interface that is no longer needed.
dhcpclient -snoop={ON | OFF} <interface> [-verbose]Enable/Disable DHCP snoop on an interface.
DHCP Server commands.
Show the content of the DHCP server ruleset and various information about leases and mappings.Usage
dhcpserverShow all DHCP Server active leases if no option is supplied.
dhcpserver -rule=<DHCP Server Rule> [-num=<Integer>] [-fromentry=<Integer>] [-blacklist]Show DHCP Server active leases.
dhcpserver -informationShow DHCP Server general information.
dhcpserver -statisticsShow DHCP Server statistics.
dhcpserver -rulesShow DHCP Server Rules.
dhcpserver -mappings [-rule=<DHCP Server Rule>] [-ip=<IP address>] [-num=<Integer>] [-fromentry=<Integer>]Show DHCP Server mappings.
dhcpserver -blacklist [-rule=<DHCP Server Rule>] [-ip=<IP address>] [-num=<Integer>] [-fromentry=<Integer>]Show DHCP Server blacklisted addresses.
dhcpserver -leases [-rule=<DHCP Server Rule>] [-ip=<IP address>] [-interface=<interface>] [-num=<Integer>] [-fromentry=<Integer>]Show DHCP Server active leases.
dhcpserver -releaseblacklist [-rule=<DHCP Server Rule>] [-ip=<IP address>]Release one or all blacklisted addresses.
dhcpserver -releasemappings [-rule=<DHCP Server Rule>] [-interface=<interface>] [-ip=<IP address>]Release one or all address mappings.
dhcpserver -snoop={ON | OFF} [-rule=<DHCP Server Rule>]Snoop specified DHCP Server Rule.
DNS client and queries.
Display information about the DNS client and perform name server lookups.Usage
dnsDisplay contents of cache.
dns -list [<String>] [-num={ALL | <n>}]List specific entries from cache. Wildcards can be used, e.g. "*.com".
dns <String> [-type={A | AAAA | PTR}] [-num={ALL | <n>}]Do a lookup. If the type is not specified, "PTR" is used for IP addresses and otherwise "A" is used.
dns -flush [<String>]Remove cache entries. It is possible to specify an IP address or a domain name. Wildcards can be used, e.g. "*.com".
Displays the state of the DNS ALG.
Displays DNS ALG runtime information.Usage
dnsalgShow DNS sessions handled by the ALG.
dnsalg -show [-num={ALL | <n>}] [-profile=<DNS profile>] [-srciface=<Interface>] [-destiface=<Interface>] [-ip=<IP range>] [-clientip=<IP range>] [-serverip=<IP range>]Show DNS sessions handled by the ALG.
dnsalg -close [-all] [-session=<Integer>] [-profile=<DNS profile>] [-srciface=<Interface>] [-destiface=<Interface>] [-ip=<IP range>] [-clientip=<IP range>] [-serverip=<IP range>]Close active DNS sessions.
dnsalg -snoop={ON | OFF} [-profile=<DNS profile>] [-srciface=<Interface>] [-destiface=<Interface>] [-ip=<IP range>] [-clientip=<IP range>] [-serverip=<IP range>]Enable/disable snooping on the DNS ALG.
List current state-tracked flows.
Display the current state-tracked flows.Explanation of Flags field in verbose output
flow -show [-num=<n>] [-verbose] [-usage] [-compact] [-mtu] [-pipechain] [-pipe=<Pipe>] [-srciface=<Interface>] [-destiface=<Interface>] [-protocol={TCP | UDP | ICMP | ICMPV6 | IGMP | GRE | ESP | SCTP | <name/num>}] [-srcport=<port>] [-destport=<port>] [-srcip=<ip addr>] [-destip=<ip addr>] [-sequence] [-sequence-info] [-rules] [-tagged] [-untagged] [-idle] [-ha] [-hastate={NOTSYNCED | SYNCING | SYNCED | SYNCFAILED | DONTSYNC}] [-disable-progress-updates] [-app] [-appfilter=<String>] [-state]List flows.
flowSame as "flow -show".
flow -close [-all] [-pipe=<Pipe>] [-srciface=<Interface>] [-destiface=<Interface>] [-protocol={TCP | UDP | ICMP | ICMPV6 | IGMP | GRE | ESP | SCTP | <name/num>}] [-srcport=<port>] [-destport=<port>] [-srcip=<ip addr>] [-destip=<ip addr>] [-deepflush] [-tagged] [-untagged] [-idle] [-hastate={NOTSYNCED | SYNCING | SYNCED | SYNCFAILED | DONTSYNC}] [-disable-progress-updates] [-appfilter=<String>]Close flows.
flow -tag [-all] [-pipe=<Pipe>] [-srciface=<Interface>] [-destiface=<Interface>] [-protocol={TCP | UDP | ICMP | ICMPV6 | IGMP | GRE | ESP | SCTP | <name/num>}] [-srcport=<port>] [-destport=<port>] [-srcip=<ip addr>] [-destip=<ip addr>] [-idle] [-disable-progress-updates] [-appfilter=<String>]Tag flows.
flow -untag [-all] [-pipe=<Pipe>] [-srciface=<Interface>] [-destiface=<Interface>] [-protocol={TCP | UDP | ICMP | ICMPV6 | IGMP | GRE | ESP | SCTP | <name/num>}] [-srcport=<port>] [-destport=<port>] [-srcip=<ip addr>] [-destip=<ip addr>] [-idle] [-disable-progress-updates] [-appfilter=<String>]Untag flows.
flow -retag [-all] [-pipe=<Pipe>] [-srciface=<Interface>] [-destiface=<Interface>] [-protocol={TCP | UDP | ICMP | ICMPV6 | IGMP | GRE | ESP | SCTP | <name/num>}] [-srcport=<port>] [-destport=<port>] [-srcip=<ip addr>] [-destip=<ip addr>] [-idle] [-disable-progress-updates] [-appfilter=<String>]Invert tag on flows.
flow -hainfoShow troubleshooting information for flow HA synchronization.
Show the state of the FTP ALG.
Show runtime information about the FTP ALG.Usage
ftpalgShow FTP sessions handled by the ALG.
ftpalg -show [-num={ALL | <n>}] [-profile=<FTP profile>] [-srciface=<Interface>] [-destiface=<Interface>] [-ip=<IP range>] [-clientip=<IP range>] [-serverip=<IP range>]Show FTP sessions handled by the ALG.
ftpalg -close [-all] [-session=<Integer>] [-profile=<FTP profile>] [-srciface=<Interface>] [-destiface=<Interface>] [-ip=<IP range>] [-clientip=<IP range>] [-serverip=<IP range>]Close active FTP sessions.
ftpalg -snoop={ON | OFF} [-profile=<FTP profile>] [-srciface=<Interface>] [-destiface=<Interface>] [-ip=<IP range>] [-clientip=<IP range>] [-serverip=<IP range>]Enable/disable snooping on the FTP ALG.
Display IP geolocation related information.
Display information about the systems IP geolocation databases and perform lookup of the geographical locations associated with given IP addresses.Usage
geoipDisplay status of geolocation databases.
geoip -activate=<String>Activate a geolocation database file.
geoip -lookup=<IP>Get geographical information for a set of IP addresses.
geoip -remove=<String>Remove geolocation database files from storage.
geoip -statusDisplay status of geolocation databases.
Shows info about GTP such as PDP contexts, GGSN connections or other related information.
The GTP command show information about PDP context or GGSN connections currently instantiated with the GTP.Usage
gtpList PDP contexts for all GTP interfaces.
gtp -ggsn [-iface=<GTPTunnel>] [-num={ALL | <Integer>}] [-localip=<IPAddress>] [-ggsnip=<IPAddress>]List active GGSN connections.
gtp -listen [-localip=<IPAddress>] [-ggsnip=<IPAddress>]List listening GGSN connections.
gtp -pdp [-iface=<GTPTunnel>] [-verbose] [-num={ALL | <Integer>}] [-localendpoint=<IPAddress>] [-enduseraddress=<IPAddress>] [-remoteendpoint=<IPAddress>]List PDP contexts.
Displays the state of GTP inspection.
Display runtime information about GTP Inspection.Usage
gtpinspectionShow GTP-C/GTP-U sessions handled by GTP Inspection.
gtpinspection -show={BRIEF | FULL} [-control] [-user] [-num={ALL | <n>}] [-version={GTPV1 | GTPV2}] [-profile=<GTP Inspection Profile>] [-origiface=<Interface>] [-termiface=<Interface>] [-origip=<IP range>] [-termip=<IP range>] [-origteid=<Integer>] [-termteid=<Integer>] [-imsi=<String>] [-msisdn=<String>] [-eua=<IP range>] [-imei=<String>] [-apn=<String>] [-session=<Integer>] [-state={PENDING | ESTABLISHED | BOTH}]Show GTP-C/GTP-U sessions handled by GTP Inspection.
gtpinspection -close [-control] [-user] [-version={GTPV1 | GTPV2}] [-profile=<GTP Inspection Profile>] [-origiface=<Interface>] [-termiface=<Interface>] [-origip=<IP range>] [-termip=<IP range>] [-origteid=<Integer>] [-termteid=<Integer>] [-imsi=<String>] [-msisdn=<String>] [-eua=<IP range>] [-imei=<String>] [-apn=<String>] [-session=<Integer>] [-all] [-state={PENDING | ESTABLISHED | BOTH}]Close active GTP-C/GTP-U sessions.
gtpinspection -snoop={FULL | BRIEF | OFF} [-profile=<GTP Inspection Profile>] [-origiface=<Interface>] [-origip=<IP range>] [-termip=<IP range>]Enable/Disable GTP message snooping.
Control and show status of the HA system.
Control and show status of the HA system.Usage
haShow the HA status of the system.
ha -status [-module] [-internal]Show the HA status of the system.
ha -activate [-force]Request that this HA node will become the active one.
ha -deactivate [-force]Request that this HA node will become the inactive one.
ha -recvconf [-reboot] [-force]Receive configuration from HA peer.
ha -sendconf [-reboot] [-force]Send configuration to HA peer.
ha -reboot [-local] [-peer] [-force]Reboot local/peer HA node.
ha -compconfCompare configuration with HA peer.
haShow the HA status of the system.
Hardware monitoring command.
Retrieves sensor and sensor monitor information.Usage
hwmonShow brief monitor information.
hwmon -sensorlistShow the system sensor list.
hwmon -show [<String>]Show specific monitor information.
hwmon -techsupport={DEVICESENSORS | IPMISTATUS}Show internal technical support information.
Check interface status.
Prints out basic information about an interface.Usage
ifstatList all ethernet interfaces.
ifstat -devicescanDisplay the currently avaliable devices in the system.
ifstat -device=<hardware port> [-per-queue-stats]Display information (link status, statistics) about a specific hardware port.
ifstat -type={ALL | CORE | NULL | ETHERNET | IPSEC | GRE | GTP | VLAN | SSLVPN | LAG | IFACEGROUP | ZONE} [-allindepth] [-num={ALL | <Integer>}]List interfaces currently configured in the system.
ifstat -allindepth [-type={ALL | CORE | NULL | ETHERNET | IPSEC | GRE | GTP | VLAN | SSLVPN | LAG | IFACEGROUP | ZONE}] [-num={ALL | <Integer>}] [-per-queue-stats]Display detailed information about all interfaces.
ifstat <interface> [-up] [-down] [-per-queue-stats]Display detailed interface information.
ifstatList all ethernet interfaces.
Shows info about IKE SAs or performs connect/delete/rekey operations.
The command gives information about the IKE SAs currently established or in negotiation. It can also be used to initiate a tunnel negotiation, tear down or rekey.The command can also be used to give a human readable printout of IKE messages passed to/from the IKE daemon.
ike -show [-tunnel=<IPsecTunnel>] [-id=<Integer>] [-excl] [-state={CREATED | CONNECTING | ESTABLISHED | PASSIVE | REKEYING | DELETING | DESTROYING}] [-numchild={ALL | <Integer>}] [-localendpoint=<IP range>] [-remoteendpoint=<IP range>] [-localaddress=<IP range>] [-remoteaddress=<IP range>] [-recviface[=<Interface>]] [-verbose] [-num={ALL | <Integer>}] [-clone=<Integer Range>] [-sort={NONE | ID | NAME | LOCALADDRESS | REMOTEADDRESS | LOCALENDPOINT | REMOTEENDPOINT}] [-order={ASC | DESC}]Show established IKE SAs.
ike -connect [-tunnel=<IPsecTunnel>] [-id=<Integer>] [-clone=<Integer Range>] [-active=<Integer>]Initiate an IKE negotiation.
ike -rekey={IKE | IPSEC} [-tunnel=<IPsecTunnel>] [-id=<Integer>] [-verbose] [-clone=<Integer Range>] [-active=<Integer>]Initiate an IKE rekey.
ike -delete [-tunnel=<IPsecTunnel>] [-id=<Integer>] [-force] [-verbose] [-clone=<Integer Range>]Delete established IKE SAs.
ike -snoop={BRIEF | FULL | OFF} [-localendpoint=<IP range>] [-remoteendpoint=<IP range>] [-recviface[=<Interface>]] [-routingtable=<RoutingTable>]Enable/Disable IKE message snooping.
ike -certshow [-type={ANY | CERT | CRL}] [-verbose] [-subject=<String>] [-issuer=<String>] [-strict] [-num={ALL | <Integer>}]Show certificate cache.
ike -certflush [-type={ANY | CERT | CRL}]Flush certificate cache.
ike -ippool [-static] [-tunnel=<IPsecTunnel>] [-num={ALL | <Integer>}]Show IP pool information.
ike -stat [-jobs]Show IKE statistics.
ikeSame as "ike -show".
Show statistics related packet input/output.
Show statistics related packet input/output.Usage
iostat [-cpu]
Intrusion prevention system.
Intrusion Prevention System.Show number of signatures in rules, groups or categiries. To show individual signatures use -verbose.
Command to activate and remove signature files.
Example 2.8. Show individual signatures in categury IPS_WEB_*, limiting output to 40 signatures.
ips -show=category ips_web_* -verbose -num=40
ips -num=<number>Show signatures by rule.
ips -show=rule [<Rule>] [-verbose] [-num=<number>]Show signatures by rule.
ips -show=signature <Signature ID>Show signature by ID.
ips -show=category [<Category>] [-verbose] [-num=<number>]Show signatures by category.
ips -show=group [<Group>] [-verbose] [-num=<number>]Show signatures by group.
ips -show=fileShow signatures by file.
ips -activate <Filename>Activate IPS signature file.
ips -remove <Filename>Remove active IPS signature file from media.
ips -show=filewarnings [<Filename>] [-num=<number>]Show errors found while parsing signature files.
Show information about entries in the Security Association Database (SAD) as well as in the Security Policy Database (SPD).Usage
ipsec -show={SAD | SPD | TUNNELS} [-verbose] [-tunnel=<IPsecTunnel>] [-localendpoint=<IP range>] [-remoteendpoint=<IP range>] [-localaddress=<IP range>] [-remoteaddress=<IP range>] [-excl] [-spi=<Integer>] [-num[=<Integer>]]Show IPsec SAD/SPD/Tunnels.
ipsec -verbose [-localendpoint=<IP range>] [-remoteendpoint=<IP range>] [-localaddress=<IP range>] [-remoteaddress=<IP range>] [-excl] [-spi=<Integer>] [-num[=<Integer>]]Same as "ipsec -show=tunnels -verbose".
ipsecSame as "ipsec -show=tunnels".
Lists the current IPsec configuration.
Lists the current IPsec configuration,Usage
ipsectunnels -iface=<recv iface>Show specific interface.
ipsectunnels -num={ALL | <Integer>}Show specific number if interface.
ipsectunnelsShow interfaces.
Debug functionality for LCD.
LCD controllerUsage
lcdctrl -text [<String>]Write text to LCD display.
lcdctrl -clearClear LCD display.
lcdctrl -backlight={OFF | ON}Set state of LCD back light.
lcdctrl -statusled={OFF | ON | BLUE/GREEN | RED | BLINK | BLINK-GREEN-OFF | BLINK-RED-OFF | BLINK-RED-GREEN}Set state of the status LED.
lcdctrl -goto [-x=<X>] [-y=<Y>]Move cursor on LCD display.
lcdctrl -upSimulate up from the keypad.
lcdctrl -downSimulate down from the keypad.
lcdctrl -leftSimulate left from the keypad.
lcdctrl -rightSimulate right from the keypad.
Show memory consumption.Usage
memory -unit={KB | MB | GB}Show memory usage.
memory -limit=<Integer>Show only categories with memory usage above specified limit.
memory -verbose [-detailed] [-limit=<Integer>] [-unit={KB | MB | GB}]Show memory usage.
memory -procShow memory usage for all categories.
Show NAT Pool runtime information.
The natpool CLI command may be used for inspecting the status of the IP address usage of NAT Pools.Example 2.10. Retrieve extended NAT Pool info (deterministic NAT Pool)
Device:/> natpool mydetnatpool -verbose (will show a extended summary of the NAT Pool configured blocks.) (for in detailed information use the -externalip or the -internalip opti ons)
Example 2.11. Retrieve extended NAT Pool info for a specific translation IP
Device:/> natpool mynatpool -externalip= (the output info depends on NAT Pool type) (for deterministic NAT will show all blocks assigned to the IP)
Example 2.12. Retrieve extended NAT Pool info for a specific internal IP (deterministic NAT Pool)
Device:/> natpool mynatpool -internalip= (will show all blocks the internal ip is using)
Example 2.13. Backward mapping for one IP (deterministic NAT Pool)
Device:/> natpool -reverse mydetnatpool -externalip= -externalport=12345 (the output info depends on mydetnatpool configured parameters)
natpool <pool name> [-verbose] [-internalip=<IP>] [-externalip=<IP>] [-num=<n>]Shows information on a specific NAT Pool IP.
natpool -reverse <pool name> [-externalip=<IP>] [-externalport=<port number>]Reverse maps from external IP and port to internal IP. Usable only for deterministic NAT Pools.
natpoolShows a summary for all configured NAT Pools.
Show ND entries for given interface.
List the ND cache entries of specified interfaces.If no interface is given the ND cache entries of all interfaces will be presented.
The presented list can be filtered using the ip
and hw
ndpSame as 'ndp -show -type=Neighbor'.
ndp -show [<interface>] [-iprange=<IP range>] [-num=<n>] [-type={NEIGHBOR | ROUTER | DNSSERVER}] [-state={ALL | DYNAMIC | NORMAL | STALE | UNRESOLVED | CRYPTO | STATIC | PUBLISH | XPUBLISH}]Show ND entries.
ndp -flush [<interface>] [-iprange=<IP range>] [-state={ALL | DYNAMIC | NORMAL | STALE | UNRESOLVED | CRYPTO | STATIC | PUBLISH | XPUBLISH}]Flush ND cache of specified interface.
ndp -notify <interface> -ip=<IP address> [-hwsender=<String>]Send gratuitous ND for IP.
ndp -releaserouter [<interface> [<String>]]Remove specified routers from the table of all specified interfaces.
ndp -releasedns [<interface>]Remove DNS servers from the table of all specified interfaces.
ndp -renew [<interface>]Send router solicitation.
Toggle snooping and displaying of NDP requests.
Toggle snooping and displaying of NDP queries and responses on-screen.Aborting the ndpsnoop command can be done by calling 'ndpsnoop none' or by pressing CTRL-C. Using CTRL-C will also terminate all other running CLI commands.
ndpsnoopShow snooped interfaces.
ndpsnoop {ALL | NONE | <interface>} [<Network>] [-type={NEIGHBOR | ROUTER | ANY}] [-verbose]Snoop specified interface.
List current Netcon connections.
Lists current Netcon connections and shows the interface, IP-address and port for each connection.Usage
List runtime values of configured network objects.
Displays named network objects and their contents.Usage
netobjects [<IP>] [-num=<num>] [-verbose]
Show runtime OSPF information.
Show runtime information about OSPF router processes.Usage
ospfShow runtime information.
ospf -process=<OSPF Router Process>Show runtime information for specific OSPF router process.
ospf -iface [<interface>] [-process=<OSPF Router Process>]Show interface information.
ospf -area [<OSPF Area>] [-process=<OSPF Router Process>]Show area information.
ospf -neighbor [<OSPF Neighbor>] [-process=<OSPF Router Process>]Show neighbor information.
ospf -route [{HA | ALT}] [-process=<OSPF Router Process>]Show the internal OSPF process routingtable.
ospf -database [-verbose] [-process=<OSPF Router Process>]Show the LSA database.
ospf -lsa <lsaID> [-process=<OSPF Router Process>]Show details for a specified LSA.
ospf -snoop={ON | OFF} [-verbose] [-process=<OSPF Router Process>]Show troubleshooting messages on the console.
ospf -ifacedown <interface>Take specified interface offline.
ospf -ifaceup <interface>Take specified interface online.
ospf -execute={STOP | START | RESTART} [-process=<OSPF Router Process>]Start/stop/restart OSPF process.
List pipes and display their status.
Display the current status of traffic shaping.Usage
pipe -num=<n> [-average] [-grouping]List pipe objects.
pipe <Pipe> [-average] [-statistics={ENABLE | DISABLE | RESET}] [-grouping] [-num=<n>]Display pipe details.
pipe -group=<String> <Pipe> [-average] [-statistics={ENABLE | DISABLE | RESET}]Display group details for a specific pipe.
pipe -reset <Pipe>Reset specific pipe statistics.
pipe -resetReset pipe statistics.
pipeSame as "pipe -show".
Show portmanager state.
The portmanager CLI command may be used for inspecting the current port usage for a specific source and destination IP pair.The source IP address is usually a local IP address assigned to one of the gateway's interfaces and used as source address for NAT'ing. The destination address is a remote destination to where the gateway has a connection.
portmgr -srcip=<ip addr> -destip=<ip addr> [-port=<1...65535>]
Enable/Disable snooping on RADIUS interface.
The radiussnoop command is used to view information about messages transferred on the RADIUS interface.
Using the server
and user
options it is possible to filter the displayed information.
radiussnoop [-server=<RADIUS Server>] [-user=<String>] [-on] [-off] [-verbose]
Route monitoring commands.
Display information about monitored routesUsage
rfoShow monitored routes.
rfo -show [-verbose]Show verbose information.
rfo -forceenable <Integer>Force enable route.
rfo -forcedisable <Integer>Force disable route.
Display user space routing tables.
Display information about the user space routing table(s):Note that "core" routes for interface IP addresses are not normally shown.
Use the -all
switch to show core routes also.
Explanation of Flags field of the routing tables:
routes -lookup=<ip address> [<table name>] [-rawdb]Lookup IP address.
routesShow routes.
routes -show [{<ALL> | <table name>}] [-alltypes] [-num={ALL | <n>}] [-nonhost] [-verbose] [-rawdb]Show routes.
routes -tablesShow named tables.
Show rules lists.
Shows the content of the various types of rules, i.e. main ruleset.Usage
rulesShow IP rules.
rules -num=<n>Show num IP rules.
rules -verboseShow IP rules with verbose output.
rules -type={IP | ACCESS | PBR} [<rules>] [-verbose] [-num=<n>]Show rules (verbose output).
rules <rules> [-verbose]Show IP rules within range 'rules'.
Toggle snooping and displaying of RULE requests.
Toggle snooping and displaying of RULE queries and responses on-screen.Aborting the rulesnoop command can be done by calling 'rulesnoop none' or by pressing CTRL-C. Using CTRL-C will also terminate all other running CLI commands.
rulesnoopShow snooped state.
rulesnoop {ALL | CORE | NONE | <interface>} [<destination> [<source>]] [-verbosity={BASIC | INFORMATIVE | EXTREME}] [-ratelim=<1...65535>]Snoop specified interface.
List current state of SCTP associations.
Display the current state of SCTP associations.Usage
sctpSame as "sctp -show".
sctp -show [-num=<number>] [-initip=<ip address>] [-respip=<ip address>] [-initport=<port>] [-respport=<port>] [-initif=<Interface>] [-respif=<Interface>] [-vtag=<String>] [-state={INIT | INIT-ACK | COOKIE-ECHO | ESTABLISHED | SHUTDOWN | SHUTDOWN-WAIT}] [-showvtag] [-compact] [-showalias] [-linger]Show SCTP associations.
sctp -close [-all] [-initip=<ip address>] [-respip=<ip address>] [-initport=<port>] [-respport=<port>] [-initif=<Interface>] [-respif=<Interface>] [-vtag=<String>] [-state={INIT | INIT-ACK | COOKIE-ECHO | ESTABLISHED | SHUTDOWN | SHUTDOWN-WAIT}]Close an SCTP association.
List running SIP-ALG configurations, SIP registration and call information.The -flags option with -snoop allows any combination of the following values:
Flags can be added in the usual way. The default value is 0x00000003 (GENERAL and ERRORS).
NOTE: 'verbose' option outputs a lot of information on the console which may lead to system instability. Use with caution.
sipalg -definition [<ALG>]Show running ALG configuration parameters.
sipalg -registration[={SHOW | FLUSH}] [<ALG>] [-num=<number>] [-index=<number>] [-compact] [-iface=<Interface>] [-user=<String>] [-ip=<ip address>] [-sort-column=<number>]Show or flush current registration table.
sipalg -call [<ALG>] [-num=<number>] [-sort-column=<number>]Show active SIP calls.
sipalg -session [<ALG>] [-num=<number>] [-sort-column=<number>]Show active SIP sessions.
sipalg -connection [<ALG>] [-num=<number>]Show SIP connections.
sipalg -statistics[={SHOW | FLUSH}] [<ALG>]Show or flush SIP counters.
sipalg -snoop={ON | OFF | VERBOSE} [-flags=<String>]Control SIP snooping. Useful for troubleshooting SIP transactions. NOTE: 'verbose' option outputs a lot of information on the console which may lead to system instability. Use with caution.
Displays the state of SSLVPN servers.
The sslvpn command is used to view information about and manage SSLVPNServer tunnel interfaces. It can be used to view and close SSL VPN sessions, and to trigger rekeying of sessions.Usage
sslvpn -num={ALL | <n>}Show SSLVPN service summary.
sslvpn -show [<tunneliface>] [-remoteip=<IP range>] [-remoteport=<Integer Range>] [-assignedip=<IP range>] [-recviface[=<Interface>]] [-state={CONNECTED | CONNECTING}] [-num={ALL | <n>}]Show SSLVPN sessions.
sslvpn -snoop={OFF | BRIEF | FULL} [<tunneliface>] [-localip=<IP range>] [-remoteip=<IP range>] [-remoteport=<Integer Range>] [-recviface[=<Interface>]]Enable/Disable SSLVPN message snooping.
sslvpn -close [<tunneliface>] [-all] [-nohalt] [-remoteip=<IP range>] [-remoteport=<Integer Range>] [-assignedip=<IP range>] [-recviface[=<Interface>]] [-state={CONNECTED | CONNECTING}]Close SSLVPN sessions.
sslvpn -rekey [<tunneliface>] [-all] [-remoteip=<IP range>] [-remoteport=<Integer Range>] [-assignedip=<IP range>]Rekey connected SSLVPN sessions.
View statistical values generated by the system.
View statistical values generated by the system.
In order to view statistical values they must first be specified by using the -add
option. The list of values that have been created using -add
can be reduced by using the
option. Running the command again will then poll the current list of values.
Example 2.16. Add statistical values
Add all interface statistics: statistics -add /interfacesbytes_recv
Example 2.17. Poll selected values
Using an interval of 2 seconds: statistics -poll -interval=2 Once: statistics
statistics -listallList available statistical values.
statistics -listpolledShow the poll list.
statistics -stopStop interval polling of statistical values.
statistics -add <value>Add statistical values to the list of polled values.
statistics -remove <value>Remove statistical values from the list of polled values.
statistics -poll [-interval=<interval>] [-nonzero] [-rate[={COUNTERS | MAX | MIN | MOMENTARY | NUMERIC}]] [-diff-counters] [-human] [-format={HUMAN | RAW}] [-transferrate={BITS | BYTES}] [-numdigits=<1...10>] [-timefmt={DECIMAL | UNITS}] [-verbose]Poll values.
statistics -snapshot-countersCreate (or update) the local snapshot of counter based values.
statistics -get <values> [-human] [-format={HUMAN | RAW}] [-numdigits=<1...10>] [-timefmt={DECIMAL | UNITS}]Directly display values of statistical counters.
statisticsPoll values.
Memory Test command.
Test memory libraryUsage
testmem -diff [-allocate] [-type={CHAR | UINT}] [-size=<Integer>]Allocate memory in 2 different locations.
testmem -allocate [-type={CHAR | UINT}] [-num=<Integer>] [-size=<Integer>] [-cat=<1...2>]Allocate memory.
testmem -free [-type={CHAR | UINT}] [-id=<Integer>] [-cat=<1...2>]Free memory.
testmem -listList allocated memory.
testmem -killmeExit application.
testmem -fastexitExit application now.
testmem -trackPrint memory allocations.
testmem -start [-size=<Integer>] [-memleak] [-z]Start allocation thread.
testmem -stopStop allocation thread.
testmem -usedMemMem_test memory usage.
List current threshold state.
Display the current threshold state.Explanation of columns in the "-show" output. Group Limit, Max Current, Active Groups vs Exceeding Groups difference.
Explanation of column in "-show -grouping" output.
threshold -resetReset grouping state of threshold rules.
threshold -show [-num=<n>] [-grouping]List grouping state of threshold rules.
threshold -show [-num=<n>]Display current state of threshold rules.
threshold <rule> [-num=<n>] [-grouping] [-threshold=<String>]Display grouping state for a specific threshold rule.
thresholdSame as "threshold -show".
Handles configuration/system backup.
Backup, restore, or revert the status of current system.There are different types of backups: partial system backups, which only stores system configuration data, and complete system backup, which stores both the system software and configuration data. The configuration and/or software data is stored to a single backup file on the device as they are created. Backup files may also be transferred to the device remotely.
Using the restore command option, backup files can be used to restore the configuration and/or software from a previously backed up state. Following a backup restore, it is possible to revert to the previous configuration and/or software using the revert command option. Note that performing a complete system restore or complete system revert will require the system to be restarted.
Performing a factory reset will reset the configuration and/or software to the factory defaults of the device. Please consult the administrators guide before using this option.
Example 2.18. List all backup files
Device:/> backup (command output) Device:/> backup -list (command output)
Example 2.19. Perform a partial (configuration only) system backup and restore
Device:/> backup -create configuration_backup.bkp Backup file "configuration_backup.bkp" created (command output) Device:/> backup -restore configuration_backup.bkp (command output) Backup restore successful using "configuration_backup.bkp" Changes must be activated and committed to be applied
Example 2.20. Perform a complete system backup and restore
Device:/> backup -create complete_backup.bkp -system Creating full system backup. This may take some time... Backup file "complete_backup.bkp" created (command output) Device:/> backup -restore complete_backup.bkp -system This will restore the system backup "complete_backup.bkp". On completion the system will be rebooted. Are you sure you want to restore the system backup? [yes/no]: (command output)
Example 2.21. Revert the system following a partial system restore
Device:/> backup -revert (command output) Revert successful Changes must be activated and committed to be applied
Example 2.22. Revert the system following a complete system restore
Device:/> backup -revert This will revert the system to the point BEFORE the last backup restore. On completion the system will be rebooted. Are you sure you want to revert the system? [yes/no] (command output)
Example 2.23. Deleting backup files
Device:/> backup -delete backupfile.bkp Removed simplebackup.bkp successfully. Device:/> backup -delete backupfile-???.bkp Removed some files successfully. Device:/> backup -delete backupfile-2015*.bkp Removed some files successfully. Device:/> backup -delete all Removed all files successfully.
Example 2.24. Perform a partial factory reset (configuration only)
Device:/> backup -factoryreset This will reset the configuration (but not the firmware) to factory default. This change is not reversible. Are you sure you want to continue? [yes/no]: (command output)
Example 2.25. Perform a complete factory reset
Device:/> backup -factoryreset -system This will reset the whole system (both firmware and configuration) to factory default. This change is not reversible. Are you sure you want to continue? [yes/no]: (command output)
backup -listList backup files.
backup -create [<create filename>] [-system] [-force]Create backup.
backup -restore <restore filename> [-force] [-reboot]Restore backup.
backup -delete <delete filename>Delete backup.
backup -revertRevert applied restore.
backup -factoryreset [-system] [-force]Reset the configuration or system to default.
backupList backup files.
Note | |
Requires Administrator privileges. |
Certificate management.
Manages certificate retrieval and updates.An example of a "subject" string:
An example of a "subjectAltName" string:,fc01:2002::1,,
certmgr -initiate -clientcert=<Certificate> -username=<String> -password=<String> -subject=<String> [-subjectAltName=<String>] [-hex]Initiate certificate fetching from a CA.
certmgr -update -clientcert=<Certificate>Update an existing valid certificate.
certmgr -revoke -clientcert=<Certificate>Revoke an existing valid certificate.
Display Openstack config drive contents. (NOTE: Command not available when running as a container)
This command is used to display Openstack config drive contents.Usage
cloudconfig -show <filename> [-nopages]Show config drive file contents.
cloudconfigDisplay config drive availability.
Manage application crash dumps.
The crashdump command is used to manage crashdump files. Crashdump files are binary files created if the system or subsystem crashes. They hold information on the state of the system at the time of the crash.Example 2.26. List all crashdump files
Device:/> crashdump (not shown here) Device:/> crashdump -list (not shown here)
Example 2.27. Delete a single crashdump file
Device:/> crashdump -delete 2016-04-21_13.54.25_dhcpserver.dump (not shown here)
Example 2.28. Delete a crashdump file using wildcards (*?[])
Device:/> crashdump -delete 2014-11-16_12.??.??_dhcpserver.dump (not shown here) Device:/> crashdump -delete *_dhcpserver.dump (not shown here)
crashdumpList all crash dump files.
crashdump -listList all crash dump files.
crashdump -delete {ALL | <filename>}Delete crash dump file(s).
View Diagnostic messages generated by the system.
The diagnostic console is used to help troubleshooting internal problems within the firewall.Using date, severity,app and category options it is possible to filter the diagnostic messages. Setting a date limit will only show entries from this date and forward. Setting Category(s) only will show entries with the specified Category(s).The categories will be the same as is used for logging. Setting a app(application name) will show only entries with the specified application. Setting severity will show only entries with specified severity and higher. Severity levels are (in order precedence from highest to lowest): Critical, High, Info(Informational) and Debug.
Aborting the dconsole command can be by pressing CTRL-C. Using CTRL-C will also terminate all other running CLI commands.
dconsoleShow all Dcon log entries.
dconsole -show [-severity={CRITICAL | HIGH | INFO | DEBUG}] [-app=<String>] [-category=<String>] [-date=<String>]Show Dcon log entries.
dconsole -cleanClears the event message list and removes event message disk file.
dconsole -flushFlushes the event message list to disk.
IP echoserver.
The echo server functionality is used to receive, interpret and echo back IP packets. The rules that are set up when enabling the echo server can be listed using the 'ruledb' CLI command. These rules are among the ones named 'socket'.IP protocols that are fully supported are the ones listed within the 'protocol' property - there protocol headers are parsed and modified accordingly when echoed back to the sender. It is however possible to set up a echo server for any IP protocol by specifying the IP protocol number and also specifying to use raw IP format.
The echo server statistics that can be listed using '-stats' show the number of received and echoed packets along with the sum of data sizes for received and sent packets. The packet data sizes are counted without packet headers. I.e. for UPD packets it the size of the UPD packet data and for any raw packet it is the size of the data without the IP header.
echoserver [-ip=<ip addr>] [-iface=<Interface>] [-stats] [-start] [-stop] [-verbose] [-ipv6] [-protocol={UDP | ICMP | ICMPV4 | ICMPV6 | ANY | <String>}] [-port=<port>] [-flowcnt=<n>] [-raw]
Note | |
Requires Administrator privileges. |
List ethernet devices and add new devices to the configuration.
The ethupdate command detects available ethernet interfaces and allows for listing these as well as automatically creating the appropriate EthernetDevice configuration objects.Usage
ethupdateList all ethernet devices.
ethupdate -cfgupdateUpdate the configuration by adding new ethernet devices.
ethupdate -statusShow status of the ethernet devices configuration.
Manage and show information about the license.
Activate a new license, show information about the license, or remove the license.To activate a new license file, first upload it using scp.
licenseShow information about the license.
license removeRemove the license.
license activate [<Filename>]Activate new license.
View log messages generated by the system.
View log messages generated by the system.This command displays the system log messages. By specifying filter conditions (like 'category', 'action', 'srcip' etc), unwanted log messages can be filtered out. There are two modes, include and exclude mode. By default include mode is used, which means that only the log messages satisfying filter conditions will be shown. Specifying the switch 'excl' will turn on exclude mode. In this case only the log messages not satisfying the filter conditions will be displayed. If the command is already running, users can reset the filter conditions by submitting new ones.
Using 'rate' and 'num' display limits can prevent the console from message flooding. Setting a 'rate' limit will allow the system to show only the specified number of log messages per second, discarding the rest. When a 'num' limit is set, showing is automatically turned off as soon as the amount of log messages displayed reaches the specified limit.
Aborting the log command can be achieved by calling it without arguments or by pressing CTRL-C. Notice that using CTRL-C will also terminate all other running CLI commands.
Example 2.30. Show logs with different filter conditions setup
Destination IP address ranges from to System:/> log -on -destip= Actions is NOT drop: System:/> log -on -action=drop -excl Logs containing text "user" and limit to at most 10 logs per second: System:/> log -on -text=user -rate=10 First 9 logs with category either "IPv4" or "ARP": System:/> log -on -category=IPV4,ARP -num=9
log -on [-excl] [-text=<String>] [-regexp=<String>] [-category=<String>] [-action=<String>] [-id=<String>] [-tag] [-prio=<String>] [-srcip=<ip addr>] [-destip=<ip addr>] [-ip=<ip addr>] [-srciface=<Interface>] [-destiface=<Interface>] [-iface=<Interface>] [-srcport=<Integer Range>] [-destport=<Integer Range>] [-rate=<Integer>] [-num=<Integer>] [-event=<String>]Start displaying log messages, with specified filter conditions. If logging is already enabled, filter conditions will be changed to the new ones specified.
log -offStop receiving log messages.
logToggle logging on/off.
Packet capture utility.
Capture, save and view packets.Example 2.31. Perform packet capture on interface "if1". Packets will be written to a file with an auto-generated name when capture is stopped.
Device:/> pcapdump -start if1 Device:/> pcapdump -stop if1 Stopping packet capture: if1. Interface Pkts(In) Pkts(Out) Saved to file --------- -------- --------- --------------------------- if1 26 25 if1_2015-01-01_00.00.00.cap
Example 2.32. Perform packet capture on interface "if1". Write the packets to a file called "if1.cap".
Device:/> pcapdump -start if1 -nowrite Device:/> pcapdump -stop if1 Device:/> pcapdump -write if1 if1.cap
Example 2.33. Perform packet snoop on interface "if1" with filters.
Device:/> pcapdump -start if1 -out -nocap -ipsrc= -port=999 #1 >if1 IP> IHL:20 DataLen:48 TTL:255 Prot o:UDP UDP 999->999 DataLen:40 Device:/> pcapdump -stop if1
Example 2.34. Show the capture status.
System:/> pcapdump -status PCAP Status Interface Mode Packets(In) Packets(Out) Filter --------- ------ ----------- ------------ ------ if1 Active 27 0 Explanation of the "Mode" column: "Active" - The interface is being captured. "Snoop" - Packets are being printed out but not captured. "Idle" - Capture has stopped and packets can to be written to storag e by using "pcapdump -write".
Example 2.36. Show the content of a capture file in hexadecimal format.
Device:/> pcapdump -show if1_2015-01-01_00.00.00.cap -hex
Example 2.37. Remove the capture files and free the memory used by pcapdump.
Device:/> pcapdump -remove
pcapdumpShow capture status.
pcapdump -statusShow capture status.
pcapdump -listList capture files in the storage.
pcapdump -start [<interface>] [-eth=<EthernetAddress>] [-ethsrc=<EthernetAddress>] [-ethdest=<EthernetAddress>] [-ip=<IP>] [-ipsrc=<IP>] [-ipdest=<IP>] [-proto={ICMP | IGMP | IPV4 | TCP | UDP | IPV6 | GRE | ESP | AH | ICMPV6 | OSPF | MTP | L2TP | SCTP | <Integer Range>}] [-port={BOOTPS | BOOTPC | FTP | SSH | TELNET | SMTP | HTTP | NTP | SNMP | BGP | HTTPS | <Integer Range>}] [-portsrc={BOOTPS | BOOTPC | FTP | SSH | TELNET | SMTP | HTTP | NTP | SNMP | BGP | HTTPS | <Integer Range>}] [-portdest={BOOTPS | BOOTPC | FTP | SSH | TELNET | SMTP | HTTP | NTP | SNMP | BGP | HTTPS | <Integer Range>}] [-bufsize=<Integer>] [-count=<Integer>] [-snaplen=<Integer>] [-out] [-nocap] [-hex] [-k12] [-nowrite] [-verbose]Start capture with specified filters and limits. If capture is already started, the filters and limits will be changed to the new ones specified.
pcapdump -stop [<interface>]Stop capture.
pcapdump -show [<interface>] [-filename=<filename>] [-num[={ALL | <1...65535>}]] [-hex] [-k12] [-verbose]Show a brief of captured packets.
pcapdump -write [<interface> [<filename>]]Write the captured packets to storage.
pcapdump -remove [<interface>] [-filename=<filename>]Remove the packets captured on an interface, or remove a capture file. If interface and filename are not specified, all captured packets and files will be removed.
Note | |
Requires Administrator privileges. |
Ping host.
Sends one or more ICMP ECHO, TCP or UDP packets to the specified IP address of a host. All datagrams are sent preloaded-style (all at once).
The data size -length
given is the ICMP or UDP data size.
1472 bytes of ICMP data results in a 1500-byte IP datagram (1514 bytes ethernet).
When -srciface
IS NOT specified, the outbound packet is routed using the "main" RoutingTable,
unless -routingtable
is specified.
Once route lookup is done, the packet is always allowed to
be sent out, regardless of configured rule sets.
When -srciface
IS specified, the system simulates that
it has received the packet from -srcip
on -srciface
and will perform route lookup according to the system configuration
(RoutingRules, InterfaceMembership, etc.).
Then the packet will be processed according to the configured rule sets.
It's possible to use -v
or even -vv
to show more information.
Example 2.38. Using TCP to probe network connectivity against a HTTP server.
gw-world:/> ping -tcp server_ip -port=80 -request="GET / HTTP/1.0\n\n"
Example 2.39. Using ICMP simulation to troubleshoot connectivity from an endpoint on the LAN network to a server on the WAN network.
gw-world:/> ping server_ip -srcip=ip-of-lan-endpoint -srciface=lan -vv
ping <host> [-sharedip] [-srciface=<interface>] [-srcip=<ip address>] [-iface=<interface>] [-routingtable=<table>] [-num=<1...10>] [-length=<4...59948>] [-v] [-verbose] [-vv]Send an ICMP ping.
ping -udp <host> [-sharedip] [-srciface=<interface>] [-srcip=<ip address>] [-routingtable=<table>] [-num=<1...10>] [-length=<4...59948>] [-srcport=<1...65535>] [-port=<1...65535>] [-v] [-verbose] [-vv]Send a UDP ping.
ping -tcp <host> [-iface=<interface>] [-srciface=<interface>] [-srcip=<ip address>] [-routingtable=<table>] [-port=<1...65535>] [-request=<String>] [-v] [-verbose] [-vv] [-num=<1...10>] [-srcport=<1...65535>]Send a TCP ping.
Note | |
Requires Administrator privileges. |
Run and manage script files.
The script command can be used to create, run and manage scripts.Configuration script files are files that consists of CLI configuration commands, one per line. Script file comment lines begin with the character '#'. Arguments to scripts are available by variable substitution, where '$0' is replaced by the script file name and the variables $1-$N are replaced by the supplied arguments. Escaping the '$' sign is done as '\$'.
All or parts of the current running configuration that are not read-only can be created as a script file and either displayed to the console or stored to disk. When selecting to create a script of parts of the configuration this can be done with the granularity of object category e.g. [Address], object class e.g. IPAddress or a single object.
When a script is created from the configuration it will include any uncommitted objects. I.e. it is possible to create script files of changes without committing them to the system first.
Script files are transfered to and from the device by using the SCP protocol. On the device, script files must be stored in the "/scripts" folder in order for the script command to make use of them.
When adding or changing configuration objects using a script file it is possible to do the changes 'out-of-order'. I.e. if one object refers to another object, the first object can be added and refer to the second object even though that object has not yet been added. Normally when a configuration change is done through the CLI, it is immediately validated and any errors are reported back to the user. When running commands from a script file the reference validation is turned off during execution of consecutive 'add' and 'set' commands and turned back on again when any other command is executed, or the script ends.
It is not recommended running scripts while doing configuration modifications from other user sessions.
Example 2.41. Create and show script of Address objects
Show script of Address category objects: Device:/> script -create Address (not shown here) Show script of all IPAddress objects: Device:/> script -create Address IPAddress (not shown here) Show script of a single IPAddress object: Device:/> script -create Address IPAddress myaddress (not shown here)
Example 2.42. View and run the example script example.sgs
Show the file: Device:/> script -show example.sgs (not shown here) Running the script: Device:/> script -run example.sgs test (not shown here)
Example 2.43. Script using substitution
"script.sgs": add Address IPAddress $1 Address=$2 Comments="$0: \$100". Device:/> script -run script.sgs ip_test is executed as line: add Address IPAddress ip_test Address= Comments="script.sgs: $1 00"
scriptList script files.
script -listList script files.
script -create [[<Category>] <Type> [<Identifier>]] [-filename=<script file>]Create a script containing the selected object types.
script -run <script file> [-verbose] [-force] [<arguments>]...Run script.
script -delete <script file>Delete script.
script -show <script file>Show script in console window.
Note | |
Requires Administrator privileges. |
SSH Server.
Show SSH Server status, or restart SSH Server.Usage
sshserverShow server status and list all connected clients.
sshserver -status [-verbose]Show server status and list all connected clients.
sshserver -keygen [-bits=<bits>] [-type={RSA | DSA | ECDSA}]Generate SSH Server private keys.
sshserver -fingerprint [-md5]Show the fingerprints of the SSH keys.
sshserver -restart [<ssh server>] [-full]Restart SSH Server.
Note | |
Requires Administrator privileges. |
Handles system operations and shows system information.
Handles system operations and shows system information.Usage
system -cpuinfo [-verbose]Show information about the CPU.
system -update-bootloader-configuration [-force]Update the bootloader configuration. This command should only be run when instructed to do so.
Stores and views Technical Support Information.
Used to collect technical support information from the system. Issuing the command without options will write the information to a file stored locally on the device. Any existing file will be overwritten.After successful storage, the file may be remotely copied over the SSH Remote Management interface (using SCP) or printed to console using the 'show' command option.
techsupportStore technical support information to file.
techsupport -show [-nopages]Display stored technical support information.
techsupport -printconf [-nopages]Display system configuration as XML.
techsupportStore technical support information to file.
Note | |
Requires Administrator privileges. |
Display and set current system time.
Display and set the system date and time.Usage
time -sleep=<String>Pause CLI session for the specified number of seconds.
time -sync [-force]Synchronize time with timeserver(s) (specified in settings).
time -statusShow time synchronization status information.
time -set <date> <time>Set local system time: <YYYY-MM-DD> <HH:MM:SS>.
timeDisplay current system time.
Show CPU usage of the system.
Show CPU usage of the system.Time - The time measurement uses the format S.s, MM:SS or HH:MM:SS depending on the amount of time to display.
CPU - The system CPU measurement spans from zero to a hundred percent, measuring the current amount of CPU resources not beeing idle. When measuring the CPU usage per module a value above 100% indicates that this module utilizes resources from several CPU units.
topList processes and show CPU utilization.
top -list [-num=<n>] [-sort={ALPHA | TIME | TOP}]List processes and show CPU utilization.
Trace the route to a destination.
Print the route packets take to a network host.Usage
traceroute <host> [-timeout=<1...60000>] [-srcip=<ip address>] [-iface=<interface>] [-routingtable=<table>] [-interval=<0...60000>] [-length=<1...8192>] [-verbose] [-queries=<1...10>] [-ttl=<1...255>] [-maxttl=<1...255>] [-noresolve] [-ipver={4 | 6}]Send a ICMP probe.
traceroute -udp <host> [-timeout=<1...60000>] [-srcip=<ip address>] [-routingtable=<table>] [-queries=<1...10>] [-length=<1...8192>] [-port=<1...65535>] [-verbose] [-interval=<0...60000>] [-ttl=<1...255>] [-maxttl=<1...255>] [-noresolve] [-ipver={4 | 6}]Send a UDP probe.
traceroute -tcp <host> [-timeout=<1...60000>] [-srcip=<ip address>] [-routingtable=<table>] [-queries=<1...10>] [-length=<1...8192>] [-port=<1...65535>] [-verbose] [-iface=<interface>] [-interval=<0...60000>] [-ttl=<1...255>] [-maxttl=<1...255>] [-noresolve] [-ipver={4 | 6}]Send a TCP probe.
Note | |
Requires Administrator privileges. |
Upgrade system. (NOTE: Command not available when running as a container)
Perform system upgrades and manage upgrade files.Upgrading the system software/firmware is performed by applying upgrade files stored on the device. Upgrade files are digitally signed software binary files created specifically for different hardware models. Apart from performing upgrades, the command also allows listing of upgrade files stored on the device as well as deleting the files.
NOTE: Make sure to select an upgrade file that matches the hardware model used.
NOTE: Upgrading the software/firmware will require a complete system restart and it is therefore highly recommended to perform a complete backup of the system before proceeding.
Example 2.45. Upgrade to a new software/firmware version
Device:/> upgrade firmware_v1_20.upg (command output)
Example 2.46. List all upgrade files
Device:/> upgrade (command output) Device:/> upgrade -list (command output)
Example 2.47. Delete upgrade files
Device:/> upgrade -delete firmware_v1_20.upg Removed firmware_version_x.upg successfully. Device:/> upgrade -delete firmware_v1_??.upg Removed some files successfully. Device:/> upgrade -delete firmware_*.upg Removed some files successfully. Device:/> upgrade -delete * Removed all files successfully.
upgradeList upgrade files.
upgrade -listList upgrade files.
upgrade <upgrade filename> [-force]Apply upgrade.
upgrade -delete <delete filename>Delete upgrade file.
upgradeList upgrade files.
Note | |
Requires Administrator privileges. |
Show copyright/build information.
Show copyright/build information.Usage
aboutShow copyright/build information.
Manage aliases.
Aliases are user-defined mappings between a keyword and CLI commands, primarily intended to create shortcuts for commonly used commands that require many options. To execute an alias, prefix it with ":". Pressing tab or enter will replace the alias keyword with the corresponding mapped command.Usage
aliasShow active alias mappings.
alias -add=<String> -cmd=<String> [-description=<String>]Add alias mapping.
alias -set=<String> [-cmd=<String>] [-description=<String>]Set/update active alias mapping.
alias -remove=<String>Remove active alias mapping.
alias -showShow active alias mappings.
alias -import <filename_import>Import the active alias mappings from file.
alias -export <filename_export>Export the active alias mappings to a file.
alias -saveSave the current alias mappings to persistent storage.
Show configuration log.
Displays warning and error messages related to configuration of the system. By default, shows log entries from the latest reconfigure sequence.Usage
cfglogShow log.
cfglog -allShow log.
cfglog -clearClear log.
Set the command view(s).
Set the command views that are used when filtering out the set of commands and options that is available in the CLI.Besides the ordinary set of commands within the 'default' view, there are two other views named 'advanced' and 'debug'. The 'advanced' view covers commands that display extensive and detailed information about the system's runtime values. The commands within the 'advanced' view do not have any impact on the system's behavior and network traffic. The commands covered by the 'debug' view can affect system behavior and network traffic and should be used with some care. These commands are mainly intended for system/network tests and debugging.
Print text.
Print text to console.Usage
echo [<String>]...
Filter the output based on a regular expression.
The grep command is a text-search utility that searches output for specified patterns, printing lines where these patterns occur. It allows for advanced searches, including inverting the search and counting matching lines. Integrate other commands with grep using a pipe (|) for enhanced text processing and data analysis.Usage
grep <Expr> [-v] [-i] [-k] [-A=<num>] [-B=<num>] [-C=<num>]
Show help for CLI commands.
The command help system contains information about commands and configuration object types.The fastest way to get help is to simply type help followed by the topic that you want help with. A topic can be a command name (e.g. set).
When you don't know the name of what you are looking for you can use tab-completion to display a list of matching topics.
helpList commands alphabetically.
help <Topic>Display help about selected topic from any category.
Show help for configuration objects.
The config help system contains information about configuration object types.The fastest way to get help is to simply type helpconfig followed by the topic that you want help with. A topic can be the name of a configuration object type (e.g. User).
When you don't know the name of what you are looking for you can use tab-completion to display a list of matching topics.
helpconfig <Topic>
Show command history.
List recently typed commands that have been stored in the command history.Usage
Show management status and enable local configuration.
Show management status, and regain local configuration control if the centralized management system has it.If the centralized management system has taken control of the system, any single user may not do configuration changes to the system. In order to regain local configuration control to single users this command is used. Once local configuration is enabled, centralized management control can only be enabled by the centralized management system.
localconfiguration [-enable]
Note | |
Requires Administrator privileges. |
Initiates shutdown/restart of the system.
Shuts the system down to restart it (or to power it off).Usage
shutdownNormal shutdown/restart of the system.
shutdown -handoverShutdown/restart that makes an HA handover to the peer first, if the node is the active node, before shutting down.
shutdown -ignore-haShutdown/restart that shuts down even if this system is the active HA node of a cluster, without explicit handover and even if the peer is OFFLINE.
shutdown -noninteractive [-handover] [-ignore-ha]Normal shutdown/restart but with a behaviour more suitable for automation.
shutdown -processrestart [-handover] [-ignore-ha] [-noninteractive]Only restart the system's processes instead of a full restart of the POD/system. (NOTE: Usage not available when running non-containerized)
shutdown -force -ignore-ha [-noninteractive]Shutdown using an alternative shutdown procedure skipping most of the normal shutdown activities. This should only be used if normal shutdown of the system malfunctions.
shutdown -poweroff [-handover] [-ignore-ha]Power down the system. (NOTE: Usage not available when running as a container)
Note | |
Requires Administrator privileges. |
Force configuration errors at the next configuration activation.
Force a configuration error at the next configuration activation.Usage
cfgfail -validate <application> [-timeout]Trigger a failure in the validate event.
cfgfail -phase1 <application> [-timeout]Trigger a failure in the Phase-1 event.
cfgfail -phase2 <application> [-timeout]Trigger a failure in the Phase-2 event.
cfgfail -phase3 <application> [-timeout]Trigger a failure in the Phase-3 event.
cfgfail -clearRemove the license.
Show information about buffers and buffer usage.
Show information about buffers and buffer usage.Usage
buffers -show [-verbose] [-hardware] [-account] [-channel] [-blame]List buffers.
buffersSame as "buffers -show".
Show Slowpath Dynamic Rule Manager state.
Shows the state of the SP Dynamic Rule Manager.Usage
drm -show [-type={PROCESS | TRNX}] [-num=<n>]Show requested state table.
drmSame as "sdrm -show".
Show information about fragment status.
Show information about pseudo-reassembler fragment status.Usage
frag -showList fragments.
frag -flushDiscard fragments.
fragSame as "fragments -show".
Command to print slowpath rule databases.
Display information about the slow path rule databases and routing tables:Explanation of Flags field of the rule databases:
Example 2.52. Print the content of a rule in one particular rule database.
System:/> ruledb -show instance -db=0x20 -rule=0x21
Example 2.53. Print the content of all rules in one particular rule database.
System:/> ruledb -show rule -db=0x20
ruledb -show[={INSTANCE | ROUTES | MAIN | PREIPBLOCK | PREIP | PREIPSEC | PREGTP | PREGTPINSP | ACCOVERRIDE | IPBLOCK | ACCESS | BLACKLIST | WHITELIST | POSTPBR | PREPBR | PREPBRIPSEC | PBR | IFSP | RULE | SIPALG | IPS | THRESHOLD | TRAFFICSHAPING | OWNERSHIP | GRE}] [-iface=<interface>] [-ipv6] [-rule=<Integer>] [-ruleorigin] [-db=<Integer>]Prints the content of the rule database or the specified rule cache.
ruledbShow all RuleDB instances.
Get runtime information from and test the statistical daemon.
List detailed information about the statistical daemon.Usage
teststatd -clients [-delete]List clients.
teststatd -requestsList requests.
teststatd -signatures [-item=<String>] [-verbose]List signatures.
teststatd -values [-item=<String>] [-verbose] [-reset]List statistical values.
teststatd -find [-guid=<Integer>] [-oid=<String>] [-nc=<String>]Find a value from key.
teststatdList general statd information.
Contains the access rulesProperties
Note | |
This object type does not have an identifier and is identified by the name of the type only. There can only be one instance of this type. |
Use an access rule to allow or block specific source IP addresses on a specific interfaceProperties
Note | |
If no Index is specified when creating an instance of this type, the object will be placed last in the list and the Index will be equal to the length of the list.
This is a category that groups the following object types.
Use an Ethernet Address item to define a symbolic name for an Ethernet MAC address.Properties
An Ethernet Address Group is used for combining several Ethernet Address objects for simplified management.Properties
Use an IP Address item to define a name for a specific host, network, range or group.Properties
Application control settings.Properties
Note | |
This object type does not have an identifier and is identified by the name of the type only. There can only be one instance of this type. |
Configured ARP entriesProperties
Note | |
This object type does not have an identifier and is identified by the name of the type only. There can only be one instance of this type. |
Use an ARP entry to publish additional IPv4 addresses and/or MAC addresses on a specified interface.Properties
Note | |
If no Index is specified when creating an instance of this type, the object will be placed last in the list and the Index will be equal to the length of the list.
ARP (Address Resolution Protocol) SettingsProperties
Note | |
This object type does not have an identifier and is identified by the name of the type only. There can only be one instance of this type. |
Ruleset used to allow/deny prefixes based on AS pathProperties
Rule entry used to allow/deny prefixes based on AS pathProperties
Note | |
If no Index is specified when creating an instance of this type, the object will be placed last in the list and the Index will be equal to the length of the list.
The Authentication Profile specifies from where users are allowed to authenticate to the system, and how.Properties
List of attribute tags that can be applied to incoming or outgoing prefixes to achieve common goalsProperties
Attribute tags that can be applied to incoming or outgoing prefixes to achieve common goalsProperties
Note | |
If no Index is specified when creating an instance of this type, the object will be placed last in the list and the Index will be equal to the length of the list.
BGP is a standardized exterior gateway protocol designed to exchange routing and reachability information among autonomous systems on the InternetProperties
IPv6 specific settings for BGP process.Properties
Note | |
This object type does not have an identifier and is identified by the name of the type only. There can only be one instance of this type. |
Grouped settings related to BGP best path selectionProperties
Note | |
This object type does not have an identifier and is identified by the name of the type only. There can only be one instance of this type. |
Dampening minimizes the instability caused by route flappingProperties
Note | |
This object type does not have an identifier and is identified by the name of the type only. There can only be one instance of this type. |
BGP peer used for routing information exchangeProperties
Note | |
If no Index is specified when creating an instance of this type, the object will be placed last in the list and the Index will be equal to the length of the list.
IPv4 specific configuration for the BGP neighbor.Properties
Note | |
This object type does not have an identifier and is identified by the name of the type only. There can only be one instance of this type. |
IPv6 specific configuration for the BGP neighbor.Properties
Note | |
This object type does not have an identifier and is identified by the name of the type only. There can only be one instance of this type. |
Aggregation combines the characteristics of several different routes and advertises a single routeProperties
Note | |
If no Index is specified when creating an instance of this type, the object will be placed last in the list and the Index will be equal to the length of the list.
Networks to be advertised by the BGP routing processProperties
Note | |
If no Index is specified when creating an instance of this type, the object will be placed last in the list and the Index will be equal to the length of the list.
A BGP export rule creates a filter to select BGP learned routes. The filtered routes can then through action rules either be exported to "route distribution services", such as OSPF, or be added to one or more routing tables.Properties
Note | |
If no Index is specified when creating an instance of this type, the object will be placed last in the list and the Index will be equal to the length of the list.
A routing table action is used to insert, update and remove routes to/from one or more routing tables.Properties
Note | |
If no Index is specified when creating an instance of this type, the object will be placed last in the list and the Index will be equal to the length of the list.
An OSPF action is used to insert, update and remove routes to/from an OSPF process.Properties
Note | |
If no Index is specified when creating an instance of this type, the object will be placed last in the list and the Index will be equal to the length of the list.
BGP specific settings.Properties
Note | |
This object type does not have an identifier and is identified by the name of the type only. There can only be one instance of this type. |
A certificate store is used to store and group certificates together for simplified management and configuration.Properties
An X.509 certificate is used to authenticate another entity such as a user, client, server or gateway, for example when establishing a VPN tunnel or SSL/TLS connection. A certificate can also be used to authenticate the system itself towards another party.Properties
Classification settingsProperties
Note | |
This object type does not have an identifier and is identified by the name of the type only. There can only be one instance of this type. |
A CMP server is a Certificate Authority, which can provide certificates using the CMPv2 protocol.Properties
A serial communication port, that is used for accessing the CLI.Properties
A CRL distribution point list specifies one or more locations from where a certificate revocation list (CRL) can be obtained. It can be used to add distribution points to a certificate that does not provide any, or to override existing ones.Properties
A CRL distribution point (CDP) specifies a location from where a certificate revocation list (CRL) can be obtained.Properties
Note | |
If no Index is specified when creating an instance of this type, the object will be placed last in the list and the Index will be equal to the length of the list.
Cryptographic SettingsProperties
Note | |
This object type does not have an identifier and is identified by the name of the type only. There can only be one instance of this type. |
Set the date, time and time zone information for this system.Properties
Note | |
This object type does not have an identifier and is identified by the name of the type only. There can only be one instance of this type. |
Specifies a timeserver used for time synchronization.Properties
Note | |
If no Index is specified when creating an instance of this type, the object will be placed last in the list and the Index will be equal to the length of the list.
A special interface used to represent internal mechanisms in the system as well as an abstract "any" interface.Properties
DHCP Server is a predefined set of DHCP Server Rules. There could only be one DHCPServer Object in the system.Properties
Note | |
This object type does not have an identifier and is identified by the name of the type only. There can only be one instance of this type. |
A DHCP Server Rule determines a set of IP addresses and host configuration parameters to hand out to DHCP clients attached to a given interface.Properties
Static DHCP Server host entryProperties
Note | |
If no Index is specified when creating an instance of this type, the object will be placed last in the list and the Index will be equal to the length of the list.
Extend the DHCP Server functionality by adding custom options that will be handed out to the DHCP clients.Properties
Note | |
If no Index is specified when creating an instance of this type, the object will be placed last in the list and the Index will be equal to the length of the list.
Advanced DHCP server settings.Properties
Note | |
This object type does not have an identifier and is identified by the name of the type only. There can only be one instance of this type. |
Configure the DNS (Domain Name System) client settings.Properties
Note | |
This object type does not have an identifier and is identified by the name of the type only. There can only be one instance of this type. |
Specifies a DNS server to use for lookups.Properties
Note | |
If no Index is specified when creating an instance of this type, the object will be placed last in the list and the Index will be equal to the length of the list.
A DNS profile configures extended processing of DNS traffic.Properties
A list of IP address pairs used to translate IP addresses in payload of DNS responses.Properties
A pair of IP addresses used to translate IP addresses in payload of DNS responses.Properties
Note | |
If no Index is specified when creating an instance of this type, the object will be placed last in the list and the Index will be equal to the length of the list.
Hardware settings for an ethernet interface.Properties
An EthernetInterface represents a logical endpoint for ethernet traffic.Properties
Flow timeout settingsProperties
Note | |
This object type does not have an identifier and is identified by the name of the type only. There can only be one instance of this type. |
Pseudo Fragment Reassembly SettingsProperties
Note | |
This object type does not have an identifier and is identified by the name of the type only. There can only be one instance of this type. |
A FTP profile configures extended processing of FTP traffic.Properties
A geolocation filter defines a collection of individual regions representing larger geographical or political areas like Africa, Oceania or European Union.Properties
A GRE interface is a Generic Routing Encapsulation (no encryption, no authentication, only encapsulation) tunnel over an existing IP network.Properties
A GTP inspection profile is used to configure protocol validation and stateful inspection of GTP Control Plane (GTP-C) and GTP User Plane (GTP-U) traffic.Properties
GTP Inspection settings.Properties
Note | |
This object type does not have an identifier and is identified by the name of the type only. There can only be one instance of this type. |
A GTP interface combines two different protocols: GTP Control Plane (GTP-C) and GTP Data Transfer (GTP-U), and will act as a Serving GPRS Support Node (SGSN).Properties
High Availability flow sync delay settingsProperties
Note | |
This object type does not have an identifier and is identified by the name of the type only. There can only be one instance of this type. |
High Availability SettingsProperties
Note | |
This object type does not have an identifier and is identified by the name of the type only. There can only be one instance of this type. |
Settings controlling reassembly of HA sync messagesProperties
Note | |
This object type does not have an identifier and is identified by the name of the type only. There can only be one instance of this type. |
High Availability settings. All these settings are private for this node and not synchronized to its peer.Properties
Note | |
This object type does not have an identifier and is identified by the name of the type only. There can only be one instance of this type. |
Hardware monitor. Reads information from system sensors and keeps track of changes and limitsProperties
Settings for the HardwareMonitorProperties
Note | |
This object type does not have an identifier and is identified by the name of the type only. There can only be one instance of this type. |
ICMP (Internet Control Message Protocol) SettingsProperties
Note | |
This object type does not have an identifier and is identified by the name of the type only. There can only be one instance of this type. |
Proposal list is used during the IKE negotiation. It specifies what encryption/integrity algorithm and PRF to use for the IKE SA. In most cases its enough to specify one proposal with several algorithms. Any combination of the algorithm are then permitted for the SA. If only certain combinations of algorithms are allowed, they should be divided in several proposals where each proposal defines one combination of algorithms.Properties
An IKE proposal specifies a specific combination of algorithms allowed during the IKE negotiation.Properties
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If no Index is specified when creating an instance of this type, the object will be placed last in the list and the Index will be equal to the length of the list.
IKE SettingsProperties
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This object type does not have an identifier and is identified by the name of the type only. There can only be one instance of this type. |
Use an interface group to combine several interfaces for a simplified security policy.Properties
Interface specific settings.Properties
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This object type does not have an identifier and is identified by the name of the type only. There can only be one instance of this type. |
Intrusion Prevention provides in-depth screening of packet content for both intruder detection and prevention purposes.Properties
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This object type does not have an identifier and is identified by the name of the type only. There can only be one instance of this type. |
An IPS Rule defines a filter for matching specific network traffic. When the filter criterion is met, the IPS Rule Actions are evaluated and possible actions are taken.Properties
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If no Index is specified when creating an instance of this type, the object will be placed last in the list and the Index will be equal to the length of the list.
An IPS Rule Action specifies what signatures to search for in the network traffic, and what action to take if those signatures are found.Properties
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If no Index is specified when creating an instance of this type, the object will be placed last in the list and the Index will be equal to the length of the list.
An IPS Signature Group specifies a set of signatures according to filters. The signatures are filtered in the following way: (IncludeVendorSignature OR IncludeCustomSignature OR IncludeSignatureGroup OR IncludeCategory) AND FilterByCVE AND FilterBySeverity AND FilterByString AND CreatedAfter.Properties
An IP Rule Set is a self-contained set of IP Rules. Default action is Drop.Properties
An IP rule specifies what action to perform on network traffic that matches the specified filter criteria.Properties
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If no Index is specified when creating an instance of this type, the object will be placed last in the list and the Index will be equal to the length of the list.
An IPsec manual keyed tunnel item is used to define an IPsec endpoint and will appear as a logical interface in the system.Properties
Settings for Encapsulating Security Payload (ESP). Specifies algorithm and SPI to use for the manual keyed tunnel.Properties
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This object type does not have an identifier and is identified by the name of the type only. There can only be one instance of this type. |
Proposal list is used during the IKE negotiation. It specifies what encryption/integrity algorithm and Diffie-Hellman group (if set) to use for the IPsec SA. In most cases its enough to specify one proposal with several algorithms. Any combination of the algorithm are then permitted for the SA. If only certain combinations of algorithms are allowed, they should be divided in several proposals where each proposal defines one combination of algorithms.Properties
An IPsec proposal specifies a specific combination of algorithms allowed during the IKE negotiation of the IPsec SA.Properties
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If no Index is specified when creating an instance of this type, the object will be placed last in the list and the Index will be equal to the length of the list.
Pre-Shared Key bound to a local and remote ID that is used in IPsec when selecting Pre Shared Keys as authentication method.Properties
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If no Index is specified when creating an instance of this type, the object will be placed last in the list and the Index will be equal to the length of the list.
An IPsec tunnel item is used to define IPsec endpoint and will appear as a logical interface in the system.Properties
An IP Pool is a dynamic collection of IP addresses that can be used by its host process.Properties
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This object type does not have an identifier and is identified by the name of the type only. There can only be one instance of this type. |
IP (Internet Protocol) SettingsProperties
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This object type does not have an identifier and is identified by the name of the type only. There can only be one instance of this type. |
An LDAP server is used as a central repository of certificates and CRLs that the firewall can download when necessary.Properties
Default Length limits on Sub-IP ProtocolsProperties
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This object type does not have an identifier and is identified by the name of the type only. There can only be one instance of this type. |
Specifies details about how the system is allowed to be used.Properties
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Objects of this type cannot be created or modified by the user. |
Hardware settings for a link device.Properties
A local user database contains user accounts used for authentication purposes.Properties
User credentials may be used in User Authentication, which in turn are used in e.g. PPP, Web Authentication, etcProperties
An SNMPv2c log receiver used to receive log events from the system in the standard SNMP Trap format using one generic trap OID.Properties
A log message exception is used to override the severity filter in the log receiver.Properties
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If no Index is specified when creating an instance of this type, the object will be placed last in the list and the Index will be equal to the length of the list.
An SNMPv3 log receiver used to receive log events from the system in the standard SNMP Trap format using one generic trap OID.Properties
The definitions here are the same as in Section 3.57.1, LogReceiverMessageException .
A Syslog receiver is used to receive log events from the system in the standard Syslog format.Properties
The definitions here are the same as in Section 3.57.1, LogReceiverMessageException .
Miscellaneous SettingsProperties
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This object type does not have an identifier and is identified by the name of the type only. There can only be one instance of this type. |
Ethernet expansion modules hardware status.Properties
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This object type does not have an identifier and is identified by the name of the type only. There can only be one instance of this type. |
A NAT Pool is used for NATing multiple concurrent connections to using different source IP addresses. A NATpool can only be used with IPv4 rules.Properties
Configured Neighbor entriesProperties
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This object type does not have an identifier and is identified by the name of the type only. There can only be one instance of this type. |
Use an ND entry to publish additional IPv6 addresses and/or MAC addresses on a specified interface.Properties
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If no Index is specified when creating an instance of this type, the object will be placed last in the list and the Index will be equal to the length of the list.
ND (IPv6 Neighbor Discovery) SettingsProperties
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This object type does not have an identifier and is identified by the name of the type only. There can only be one instance of this type. |
An OSPF Router Process defines a group of routers exchanging routing information via the Open Shortest Path First routing protocol.Properties
An OSPF area is a sub-domain within the OSPF process which collects OSPF interfaces, neighbors, aggregates and virtual links.Properties
Select and define the properties of an interface that should be made a member of the Router Process.Properties
For point-to-point and point-to-multipoint networks, specify the IP addresses of directly connected routers.Properties
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If no Index is specified when creating an instance of this type, the object will be placed last in the list and the Index will be equal to the length of the list.
An aggregate is used to replace any number of smaller networks belonging to the local (intra) area with one contiguous network which may then be advertised or hidden.Properties
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If no Index is specified when creating an instance of this type, the object will be placed last in the list and the Index will be equal to the length of the list.
An area that does not have a direct connection to the backbone must have at least one area border router with a virtual link to a backbone router, or to another router with a link to the backbone.Properties
An OSPF export rule creates a filter to select OSPF learned routes. The filtered routes can then through action rules either be exported to "route distribution services", such as OSPF, or be added to one or more routing tables.Properties
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If no Index is specified when creating an instance of this type, the object will be placed last in the list and the Index will be equal to the length of the list.
A BGP action is used to insert, update and remove routes to/from an BGP process.Properties
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If no Index is specified when creating an instance of this type, the object will be placed last in the list and the Index will be equal to the length of the list.
The definitions here are the same as in Section, ExportToRoutingTable .
The PBR rule set. Contains RoutingRule objects.Properties
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This object type does not have an identifier and is identified by the name of the type only. There can only be one instance of this type. |
A Routing Rule forces the use of a routing table in the forward and/or return direction of traffic on a connection. The ordering parameter of the routing table determines if it is consulted before or after the main routing table.Properties
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If no Index is specified when creating an instance of this type, the object will be placed last in the list and the Index will be equal to the length of the list.
A pipe defines basic traffic shaping parameters. The pipes are then combined in a pipe profile that then can be selected on an IP rule to determine which traffic goes through which pipes.Properties
PSK (Pre-Shared Key) authentication is based on a shared secret that is known only by the parties involved.Properties
External RADIUS server used to verify user names and passwords.Properties
Configure Netcon management to enable remote management to the system.Properties
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This object type does not have an identifier and is identified by the name of the type only. There can only be one instance of this type. |
Setup and configure methods and permissions for remote management of this system.Properties
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This object type does not have an identifier and is identified by the name of the type only. There can only be one instance of this type. |
Configure SNMP management to enable SNMP polling.Properties
Configure SNMPv3 management to enable SNMPv3 polling.Properties
Configure a Secure Shell (SSH) Server to enable remote management access to the system.Properties
Ruleset used to allow/deny/modify route prefixes/characteristicsProperties
Rule entry used to allow/deny/change route prefixes/characteristicsProperties
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If no Index is specified when creating an instance of this type, the object will be placed last in the list and the Index will be equal to the length of the list.
Ruleset used to allow/deny route prefixesProperties
Rule entry used to allow/deny route prefixesProperties
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If no Index is specified when creating an instance of this type, the object will be placed last in the list and the Index will be equal to the length of the list.
The system has a Router Advertisement Profiles table. All profiles can be declared here.Properties
Properties that will form the structure and behavior of a Router Advertisement packet.Properties
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If no Index is specified when creating an instance of this type, the object will be placed last in the list and the Index will be equal to the length of the list.
Routing settings.Properties
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This object type does not have an identifier and is identified by the name of the type only. There can only be one instance of this type. |
The system has a predefined main routing table. Alternate routing tables can be defined by the user.Properties
A route defines what interface and gateway to use in order to reach a specified network.Properties
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If no Index is specified when creating an instance of this type, the object will be placed last in the list and the Index will be equal to the length of the list.
Specify a host and a monitoring method.Properties
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If no Index is specified when creating an instance of this type, the object will be placed last in the list and the Index will be equal to the length of the list.
A HA enabled route. Can be set individually for each HA node.Properties
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If no Index is specified when creating an instance of this type, the object will be placed last in the list and the Index will be equal to the length of the list.
A routing table export rule creates a filter to select statically configured routes. The filtered routes can then through action rules be exported to "route distribution services" such as OSPF.Properties
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If no Index is specified when creating an instance of this type, the object will be placed last in the list and the Index will be equal to the length of the list.
SCTP SettingsProperties
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This object type does not have an identifier and is identified by the name of the type only. There can only be one instance of this type. |
A Service Group is a collection of service objects, which can then be used by different policies in the system.Properties
An ICMP Service is an object definition representing ICMP traffic with specific parameters.Properties
An ICMPv6 Service is an object definition representing ICMPv6 traffic with specific parameters.Properties
An IP Protocol Service is a definition of an IP protocol with specific parameters.Properties
A SCTP Service is a definition of a SCTP protocol with specific parameters.Properties
A TCP/UDP Service is a definition of an TCP or UDP protocol with specific parameters.Properties
A SIP profile configures extended processing of SIP traffic.Properties
The public key of the client connecting to the SSH server.Properties
An SSL Inspection profile enables SSL/TLS traffic to be decrypted and inspected. The data can either be re-encrypted or sent as cleartext in order to offload the server.Properties
An SSL server specifies how to identify the system to the client.Properties
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If no Index is specified when creating an instance of this type, the object will be placed last in the list and the Index will be equal to the length of the list.
An SSL VPN tunnel item is used to define an SSL VPN endpoint and will appear as a logical interface in the system.Properties
SSLVPN settingsProperties
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This object type does not have an identifier and is identified by the name of the type only. There can only be one instance of this type. |
A Syslog profile configures extended processing of Syslog traffic.Properties
Global parameters for this system.Properties
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This object type does not have an identifier and is identified by the name of the type only. There can only be one instance of this type. |
TCP SettingsProperties
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This object type does not have an identifier and is identified by the name of the type only. There can only be one instance of this type. |
The threshold rules are a self-contained set of rules meant to broadly define how to apply threshold actions. The major purpose of such threshold actions is to prevent excessive amounts of flows to be opened, though other usages are also possible.Properties
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This object type does not have an identifier and is identified by the name of the type only. There can only be one instance of this type. |
A threshold rule specifies a filter for matching specific network traffic, how to evaluate the traffic, and what actions to take if the traffic exceeds given threshold definitions.Properties
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If no Index is specified when creating an instance of this type, the object will be placed last in the list and the Index will be equal to the length of the list.
A threshold set specifies what action to take if all the threshold definitions within the set are exceeded.Properties
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If no Index is specified when creating an instance of this type, the object will be placed last in the list and the Index will be equal to the length of the list.
A threshold definition specifies how to evaluate network traffic, a threshold limit for that measurement and for how long the limit can be exceeded before the action specified for the threshold set is taken. Note that, if multiple threshold definitions are configured for the threshold set, the limits of all definitions must be exceeded before the action is executed.Properties
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If no Index is specified when creating an instance of this type, the object will be placed last in the list and the Index will be equal to the length of the list.
Traffic Management SettingsProperties
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This object type does not have an identifier and is identified by the name of the type only. There can only be one instance of this type. |
A pipe profile combines pipe objects into a traffic shaping profile that can be referenced from an IP rule to determine how the traffic matching that rule should be managed.Properties
The Traffic shaping rules are a self-contained set of rules meant to broadly define how to apply traffic shaping. Default action is to apply no traffic shaping.Properties
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This object type does not have an identifier and is identified by the name of the type only. There can only be one instance of this type. |
A traffic shaping rule associates the specified traffic shaping profile with network traffic that matches the specified filter criteria.Properties
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If no Index is specified when creating an instance of this type, the object will be placed last in the list and the Index will be equal to the length of the list.
Settings related to transparent modeProperties
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This object type does not have an identifier and is identified by the name of the type only. There can only be one instance of this type. |
A SNMPv2c Trap receiver used to receive trap events from the system using standard SNMP Trap format and standard trap OIDs.Properties
A trap exception is used to override the trap category filter in the trap receiver.Properties
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If no Index is specified when creating an instance of this type, the object will be placed last in the list and the Index will be equal to the length of the list.
A SNMPv3 Trap receiver used to receive trap events from the system using standard SNMP Trap format and standard trap OIDs.Properties
UDP SettingsProperties
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This object type does not have an identifier and is identified by the name of the type only. There can only be one instance of this type. |
A VLAN interface represents a logical endpoint for VLAN-tagged Ethernet traffic (802.1Q) or Ethernet traffic with a VLAN tag (802.1ad) that can contain additional nested tags/VLANs.Properties
Settings for IEEE 802.1Q and IEEE 802.1ad based Virtual LAN interfaces.Properties
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This object type does not have an identifier and is identified by the name of the type only. There can only be one instance of this type. |
Watchdog settingsProperties
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This object type does not have an identifier and is identified by the name of the type only. There can only be one instance of this type. |
A Whitelist Rule Set is a manually configured list of exceptions that introduces IP addresses and services that should never be blacklisted i.e even if another subsystem such as threshold rules adds an IP address and service to the blacklist, the whitelist will take priority and still allow the IP address to communicate over that service.Properties
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This object type does not have an identifier and is identified by the name of the type only. There can only be one instance of this type. |
A whitelist rule specifies IP addresses and services that should never be blacklisted i.e even if another subsystem such as threshold rules adds an IP address and service to the blacklist, the whitelist will take priority and still allow the IP address to communicate over that service.Properties
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If no Index is specified when creating an instance of this type, the object will be placed last in the list and the Index will be equal to the length of the list.